1:11 saying, "Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea."


"Write in a book what you see

The trumpet-like voice behind John tells him to "Write a book (this Revelation) of what he sees. He includes throughout what he hears; but it should not be mistaken that this is coming from John's imagination. It isn't. He actually saw it while in the Spirit.

At the end of Revelation, John testifies/verifies that he did as he was told - Revelation 22:18-19.

On a philosophic note: This book, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" concludes this edition of the existence of mankind not unlike Moses' book, Genesis, is a book of the beginning of this existance. The Genesis has some interesting views as to how we, the present humanoid generation has come to be (Genesis 6). That being recorded, an unlimited God may have other humanoid-inhabited exoplanets with their own DNA-based story. Their "literature" probably has its own "existance record", but this "Revelation to John" only explains this earth's physical and spiritual existance.

and send it to the seven churches:

These churches really existed in John's day. They are located on the mainland to the northeast of the isle of Patmos. John apparently had ministered to each of them, perhaps in the order given here. It is interesting to note that the first three chapters of Revelation and verse 4:1 apply to the Church Age. Study each church in the following chapters for their shortcomings and successes. Do each of these typify a type of church today?

     to Ephesus and
     to Smyrna and
     to Pergamum and
     to Thyatira and
     to Sardis and
     to Philadelphia and
     to Laodicea."