3:4 `But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they walk with Me in white; for they are worthy.
BUT you have a FEW people in SARDIS who have not soiled their garments; and
The FEW often seems to be the case....we are mostly followers or indifferent. It was true in Luke's time. Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth because they "walked blamelessly" (Luke 1:5-6) were given the privilege of being the parents of John the Baptist, the announcer and baptizer of Jesus Christ. Simeon, a "righteous and devout" man was one of the FEW who knew he would see the Lord's Christ before he died Luke 2:25-26). And then there was Anna, a widowed prophetess, who for many years "never left the temple". She was given the task of speaking to all around that the Jesus is the redeemer of Jerusalem (Luke 2:36-38) that everyone was looking for.
But these instances are not that unusual. Even in very ancient times, it is recorded (Genesis 6:5-12), that Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord because he was a righteous man and blameless in his time. The rest of mankind's wickedness was very great.
In pagan religions at the time of Revelation's writing, it was forbidden to approach the gods in garments that were soiled or stained. This spotting or soiling symbolizes an otherwise pure life stained by pagan ideas or beliefs. God's word says much about the purity of the Christian life:
they will walk with me in WHITE;
The white garments are symbols of righteousness, victory, and the glory of God:
for they are WORTHY.
The faithful FEW in Sardis would walk with Him in white for they are WORTHY. No need to blame it on the church or to be a martyr to wear white; it is your own heart and life condition which will determine whether your garment is pure white or soiled. Being WORTHY is rare indeed. For example, Christ was the ONLY one WORTHY to open the seals on the scroll held in the right hand of the One on the THRONE. Read about it starting in Revelation 5:1.