10:6 and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that there shall be delay no longer,
and SWORE by Him
This angel is invoking an oath by someone greater than he, Hebrews 6:13-20, by Jesus, our High Priest behind "the veil" in heaven.
who lives FOREVER and EVER,
Remember Jesus placed His hand on John at the beginning of the Revelation and clearly says I am alive forevermore, Revelation 1:18.
who CREATED HEAVEN and the things in it, and the EARTH and the things in it, and the SEA and the things in it,
There is no doubt Christ created these things, Colossians 1:15-18. The 24 elders acknowledge it earlier, Revelation 4:9-11.
This ties back to Old Testament covenant and "swearing" not by "present-time church believers", but rather by the angel. Notice how similar these words are to those in Exodus 20:8-11, especially the fourth commandment.
Only God CREATES, man (and science) know only how to conserve, consume, or destroy under "the Laws of Nature". Interestingly, most of the "climate change" endeavors have become isolated to the earth, but, in fact, the Sun has a much greater impact than what can be legislated. I believe I would do better to follow "HIM" in this verse.
that there shall be DELAY NO LONGER;
This is the oath....time is up. Up to this point, God does not wish any to perish but that we should REPENT. Now the prophesy in Romans 9:27-29 and Isaiah 10:20-23 is announced by this angel BEFORE the blowing of the seventh trumpet.